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Select writings of Tommy Hicks

Select writings of Tommy Hicks


This collection concentrates on the ministry of Tommy Hicks, through whom God brought what we now call ‘the Argentinian Revival.’

Hicks went to Argentina to replace an evangelist who was unable to fulfil his commitment for full-gospel meetings. He suggested to the local church committee the possibility of hiring a 25,000-seater stadium and employing the press and radio to advertise the meetings. This seemed absolutely absurd but Tommy Hicks, unwavering in his faith, made arrangements to visit the Argentine dictator leader, President Juan Peron.

Peron was miraculously healed of a skin disease which secured the availability of the Atlantic
Stadium with a seating capacity of 25,000 . Soon overwhelming crowds forced them to relocate to the Huracán Football Stadium with a seating capacity of 110,000, which also overflowed. In two months 3 million were reported to have attended with 300,000 decisions for Christ and a massive number of outstanding healings.

This collection contains R. E. Miller’s ‘Thy God Reigneth: The Story of Revival in Argentina,’ ‘Manifest Deliverance’ – a series of sermons preached by Hicks in 1952 and 19 editions of his magazine ‘Faith Marches On’ – 1959-1964.

This collection is professionally produced, fully searchable, has a navigation system for easy access and is PC/Mac compatible.

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Book Title Tommy Hicks Collection
Author Revival Library Books
Type Download
Date Published Jan 02, 2019


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