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William Branham – A Man Sent from God – Gordon Lindsay – eBook

William Branham – A Man Sent from God – Gordon Lindsay – eBook


Gordon Lindsay wrote, ‘The story of the life of William Branham is so out of this world and beyond the ordinary that, were there not available a host of infallible proofs which document and attest its authenticity, one might well be excused from considering it far fetched and incredible.”

Thousands were converted or healed through Branham’s ministry. He reported that throughout his life he was guided by an angel who regularly communicated with him. He operated in what appears to be a genuine gift of ‘the word of knowledge’ which was gave him the power to discern people’s illnesses and thoughts.

David Harrell reports of his popularity: “The power of a Branham service . . . remains a legend unparalleled in the history of the charismatic movement” (Harrell, p162). Branham’s accuracy is attested by Walter J. Hollenweger, who interpreted for him in Zurich and ‘is not aware of any case in which he was mistaken in the often detailed statements he made’ (Hollenweger, The Pentecostals, p354).

The colourful Canadian minister, song leader and teacher, W. J. Ern Baxter, who accompanied him 4-8 months every year from 1947-1953, said he never heard his discernment inaccurate even once.

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Book Title William Branham - A Man Sent from God - Gordon Lindsay - eBook
Author Revival Library Books
Type eBook
Date Published Dec 11, 2018


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