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Trials and Triumphs – Maria Woodworth-Etter – eBook

Trials and Triumphs – Maria Woodworth-Etter – eBook


Sub-titled ‘Being a true and accurate account of her work as a Revivalist, from September, 1883, to September 21, 1885, in winning souls to Christ.’

This is an ideal book for anyone who is searching for the keys of an outstanding healing evangelist’s ministry. This book tells the story of Maria Woodworth’s calling and early revivalistic ministry, before she was married to Samuel Etter.

Here you will read of phenomenal numbers of conversions of a great variety of people that attended her revival meetings.

Gradually she became accustomed to supernatural phenomena like people fainting in her meetings, or ‘falling under the power,’ being ‘smitten by God.’ Trances and visions broke out fairly early on. Then healings began to be recorded.

She concludes: “I held twenty-five revivals. About five hundred ministers visited these meetings. Many took part, doing all they could for the glory of God, while many stood back with the unbeliever and mocked, talked, and behaved worse than the hardened sinners. Many came to the meetings. The sick were converted and healed, soul and body. About ten thousand souls came into the kingdom as results of these meetings.

“God has raised up and sent into the field a hundred or more of men and women as ministers and evangelists, and is crowning their labors with glorious success.”

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Book Title Trials and Triumphs - Maria Woodworth-Etter - eBook
Author Revival Library Books
Type eBook
Date Published Dec 11, 2018


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