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George Jeffreys: A Ministry of the Miraculous – E. C. W Boulton – eBook

George Jeffreys: A Ministry of the Miraculous – E. C. W Boulton – eBook


George Jeffreys (1889-1962), revivalist and founder of the Elim Pentecostal Church in Great Britain, will he remembered in history as one of the greatest Pentecostal apostles of all time. His preaching was dynamic, his passion for souls unequalled, his labours tireless and his anointing extraordinary. His capacity to build apostolic churches gives abundant testimony to his remarkable anointing and faithfulness to the Gospel.

George was converted in the Welsh Revival of 1904 and began a powerful ministry after he was baptised in the Holy Spirit. An invitation to speak at Alexander Boddy’s Sunderland Convention in 1913 launched the young preacher into his wider ministry. In 1913 he formed the Elim Evangelistic Band in Ireland and established its first church in Belfast in 1916. By the end of 1920 there were fifteen congregations in Ireland and by 1921 the first Elim Church was opened in England with its headquarters in Clapham, London.

The next fifteen or so years witnessed extraordinary growth through great nationwide crusades proclaiming the message of salvation and healing. Today, the Foursquare Gospel Alliance, (the denomination’s legal name) remains a growing movement with more than 550 Christian congregations in the UK and Ireland.

It is based on four Biblical truths, taught by Jeffreys: “Jesus Christ as the Saviour, Healer, Baptiser in the Holy Spirit, and Coming King.”

This book is a wonderful and thrilling account of the commencement and development of a spectacular outpouring of the Holy Spirit that will inspire a new generation to seek the same anointing of the Holy Spirit in our day.

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Book Title George Jeffreys: A Ministry of the Miraculous - E. C. W Boulton - eBook
Author Revival Library Books
Type eBook
Date Published Dec 11, 2018


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