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Anna Schrader’s Prophecies – ebook

Anna Schrader’s Prophecies – ebook


“Many ministers consider Anna Schrader’s prophecies one of the finest examples of the prophetic gift. Marked as they are by a beautiful and consistent faithfulness to the Word of God, the prophecies have a significant message for the times in which we are living.” (From the front cover). The healing revival saw an explosion of supernatural ministries amongst which was the gift of prophecy. This gift was uniquely exercised by Anna Schrader which won her the respect of all the major healing ministries. Interestingly, it was Anna Schrader who first prophesied William Branham’s forthcoming death, which she shared with Kenneth Hagin. He passed this on to Gordon Lindsay – a full two years before his car accident! These prophecies, recorded in 5 separate booklets, are great reading and convey the spirit of the authentic gift of prophecy which all those who profess to prophesy should read. There are 5 booklets totalling 176 pages.

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Book Title Anna Schrader's Prophecies - ebook
Author Revival Library Books
Type eBook
Date Published Jan 02, 2019


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